![Prof. Satish Dhawan Young Engineer State Award 2012, to Dr.Amai Mahesh by the Honorable Chief Minister of Karnataka, on June 16, 2014 at the Award ceremony held at JN TATA Auditorium, IISc, Bangalore.](https://appmech.l2.nitk.ac.in/sites/default/files/field/image/DSC_1740_1.jpg)
Dr. G.S.Dwarakish, Paper titled ‘Climate change and global sustainability : Action for bridging the gap’, 2nd International conference on Climate change 2018, , 15-16, Feb. 2018, colombo , Srilanka has been honoured with BEST PAPER AWARD.
Ms. Geetha s. Kuntoji, Ph.D. Scholar and Other Authours : Subba Rao, Manu, Nava Bharath Reddy : honoured with Best Paper award at International Conference ‘Softcomputing for Problem Solving’, SocPros2017 held at IIT, Bhvaneshwar, Dec. 23,24 2017 : paper titled ‘Prediction of damage levels of inner conventional rubble mound breakwater of Tandem breakwater using Swarm Inteligence based Neural Network (PSO-ANN) approach’
Ms. Jhoga Parth, M.Tech (R) student and other author : Dr. T. Nasar, honoured with ‘Best Paper award” at 37th INCA International Congress on Geoinformatics for Carto-Diversity and it's management, Nov 1- Nov 3 2017 held at Naval Hydrographic Office, Indian Navy, Dehradun : , Paper titled “A geospatial approach to study shoreline configuration Dynamics - pre, during and post construction of training wall"
Dr. G.S.Dwarakish recieved Venus International Faculty Award for the year 2016, instituted by Venus Education Foundation, Chennai, in recognition of outstanding contribution in the field of Coastal Engineering Sciences.
Dr. G.S.Dwarakish received Prof. Satish Dhawan Young Engineers State Award for the year 2013, instituted by the Government of Karnataka in recognition of outstanding contribution in the field of Engineering Sciences.
- Dr. Amai Mahesha recieved Prof. Satish Dhawan Young Engineers State Award for the year 2012, instituted by the Government of Karnataka in recognition of outstanding contribution in the field of Engineering Sciences, recieved the award from Honorable Chief Minister of Karnataka, on June 16, 2014 at the Award ceremony held at JN TATA Auditorium, IISc, Bangalore(photograph attached).